Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Before Cohn went off with Brett or before Jake found out about it, Jake referred to Cohn as "Cohn", "Cohn looked up as I went in"(58), in a friendly way rather than using his full name like a stranger would do. After Cohn goes with Brett Jake reefers to Cohn as "Robert Cohn", "Why don't they start?" Robert Cohn asked(143). Jake befriending Jake for sleeping with Brett shows how much he admires her, especially since Jake doesn't seem to get as upset and put of with Brett who is just as much as guilty for sleeping with Cohn as Cohn is.

TSAR (The Sun Also Rises)

Michael is saying what Jake would say if he wasn't as nice as he was or as used to Brett cheating on him. Michael asks Cohn "Is Robert Cohn going to follow Brett around like a steer all the time?"(146). As Michael is bashing on Cohn Jake makes no attempt to stop him from doing so, which reenforces that Jake didn't think what Michael was saying was inappropriate. Later Mike says that Jake should tell Cohn that he should behave or leave, Jake replies, "Yes, it would be nice for me to tell him"(148). This is like Jake saying that it would be nice to tell Cohn to behave, which in Jakes case, because he truly loves Brett and would prefer Cohn to stay away, would be more like ripping into him like Mike did.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Big Two-Hearted River

 The first similarity to WWI is the landscape. He arrives at a town that nothing is left of but the foundations, the blocks are chipped and everything is burnt. Much like the end of a war scene. The next thing that caught my attention was the grasshoppers. The first ones in the story are brown normal grasshoppers but colored black from the burnt of landscape. This is a metaphor for men who come back from war and the affects form the war stay with them. The man then hikes for many miles and sets up a crude camp much like you would on a scouting mission. The whole purpose of the trip is to catch a few fish which i think represent the enemy however it is much more peaceful considering he feels bad for the fish when he embeds a hook in ones mouth and it gets away. The man reminds me of a sniper waiting and only picking off the big fish not wasting his time on the smaller ones. However i also think that it can be taken a completely different way. Starting out in the war zone and then hiking away to get away form it and get back to the pleasures of life, fishing.

The Big Two-Hearted river could be an introduction for The Sun Also Rises because both allude to WWI without actually saying that that is what they are talking about. In both stories the author goes throughout the book hinting at the thought of WWI but never saying anything about it. If you were to read The Big Two-Hearted River before hand it may get you used to the idea and technique of picking out what the author is actually saying about the war.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

TEWWG pg 191

Ah done been tuh de horizon and back now....Dis house aint so absent of things lak it used to befo Tea Cake came along.

Janie has been tuh de horizon of her love and possibly her life and has many good memories of being with Tea Cake. So she can live happily in her house that reminds her of all these goods times almost as if Tea Cake is still there.

TEWWG pg 193

She pulled in her horizon like a great fish-net.

Janie pulls in all the happy thoughts of being with Tea Cake and wraps them around her, keeping them with her to always remember.